1 year of blog! Time flies! This deserves a post and a celebration, especially because I have persisted with my posts and articles along this time! :)
Well, I can say that was and is a challenge to keep this blog every day, because I always focus on sharing unique information and very detailed about .NET/SharePoint development. This involves a lot of work, because it is necessary time for ideas, research and writing, which is something I really enjoy doing and there is nothing better than seeing your articles being used and becoming reference to the work of others.
Another important factor that has motivated me is the participation in communities in Brazil and here in New Zealand. Along the time you get to know other people who share the same ideas and interests, and as a result your contact networking also increases.
As an outcome of that is my participation in CanalSharePoint as moderator, which I consider extremely important, because the CanalSharePoint is one of the major channels for learning SharePoint in Brazil. Here are my thanks to the leaders Bruno Velaz, Heber Lopes and Wagner Amorim. Thanks guys!
Another community that also have the opportunity to participate and collaborate is the Codificando.NET. I also have to thank Diego Nogare for supporting me with the articles and Fernanda Sallai for supporting me with the publication of articles at the Revista Codificando.NET.
My participation in the SPUG (SharePoint User Group) from Auckland is still not significant, but I intend to contribute more to this community.
The launch of the domain sharepoint4developers.net also deserves celebration, it was something I always wanted and could implement it this year, moving the blog from Windows Live Spaces.
Well, this is just the first year and many things has happened. I wish the following years to be even better!
Marcel Medina
Click here to read the same content in Portuguese.